"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Review of The Painter by Peter Heller


The Painter by Peter Heller

This is the first novel I've read by Peter Heller, but it won't be the last!  I've never fly fished but I felt like I was knee deep in the rushing water with a reel over my shoulder. I've never painted but I held the brush, smelled the pigment and the turpentine and felt the satisfaction of art well done. I've never killed a man, but felt the horror of it. Heller made me feel like I was knee deep in all of this alongside his protagonist, the troubled and complicated painter, Jim Stegner. Reading this novel was "living in the stream of eternity", stepping outside of myself. And what an accomplishment that is.

A masterpiece!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Cedar Swamp and the Car Wreck

The Flapper Press recently published my essay, The Cedar Swamp and the Car Wreck, in their online magazine and just notified me that they intend to nominate it for a Pushcart Prize, announcements usually come out after the first of the year.

Even though I haven't won one of these yet, it sure is nice to be nominated. What long forgotten stories do you think reside in your family's tree? And please let me know if you've received a Pushcart prize or been nominated for one. Give yourself a shout out!!