"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Who's Visiting You?

I recently added a flag counter to my blog and have been amazed at the number of countries represented. I don't know how accurate it is, but I wish I would have done it sooner. If you're just starting a blog, I would recommend adding one. It's easy and fun to see where your readers are coming from. It makes the world seem intimate and small, which in the grand scheme of things, I guess it is.

It's a very foggy morning in the thumb of Michigan, a sure harbinger of fall, but summer temperatures are still with us for the Labor Day weekend. I hope to have time to visit "our" lake. Lake Huron is beautiful still, at least on the surface.

There are disturbing reports of pollution from coal-burning power plants and invasive species lurking in the depths and I hope that the people in charge of our environmental protection agencies know what they're doing.

I say "our" because the lakes are public as are the shorelines and beaches. The public is entitled to access up to the high water mark (an ambiguous boundry, I admit) but private landowners like to discourage the public from enjoying the access they are entitled to. They think of the lake in front of their property as theirs. The lakes belong to all of us and I encourage people who live here or are visiting here to feel free to walk the shoreline. Find an access point and walk.

To not spend time on or beside these basins of beauty is a sacrilege. Fish, skip stones, swim, hunt for shells and driftwood and collect pebbles, capture the beauty on your camera or canvas. All any of us would ask when you visit is that you leave nothing behind to show you were here....except something like this:


Anne Gallagher said...

Oh how sweet. I used to live on the beach in Rhode Island and every summer I would take a plastic bag and pick up trash left by "guests". It did happen to be a private beach for the residents of the village and they were always good about taking their garbage away with them, but others who would come down didn't understand the fragility of the beach. It was a barrier beach that abutted a bird santuary and I don't know how many seagulls and herons I rescued over the years with those plastic rings around their necks.

Yes, all beaches are public, even the ones that are private. Let's just respect the creatures who live there.

Thanks Yvonne.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thanks Anne!

Many don't understand the fragility of our lakes, oceans, and beaches. I'm always picking up cigarette butts. Strangely, some people don't see them as trash. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

Pet said...

As you have probably noticed I refuse to remain landlocked :-)
Lake owners of the world, beware!

Ed Pilolla said...

the lakes are public and yet corporations pollute them becuz they have rights or money the rest of us citizens don't.
you are a guardian of the land. love and light to you as you tend to your stretch of earth.

Jemi Fraser said...

Our lakes are beautiful and we really need to make sure people treat them with respect - always!

J.B. Chicoine said...

'Twas a bit misty here this morning, too! We are so determined to sail on Lake Huron at least once this summer, but time is running out!

Liza said...

This winter I walked our beach and found a bunch of plastic disks from an overflow at a waste treatment facility many miles away. It made me realize what little control we have on what shows up on our shores...

Judy Croome | @judy_croome said...

The 'I love you' message in the sand is the perfect souvenir! Lovely photo of your daughter! :)

Unlike those ubiquitous cigarette butts which, as you say, many people don't even see as littering when they flick 'em away.

Our parks here often have notices up saying things like "take only photos, leave only footprints." It's useful to have the reminders up, I think.

Judy, South Africa

Yvonne Osborne said...

Ha! The water is a huge magnet. I can't stand to be land-locked. Should I look for you??

Thanks so much. Yeah...funny how that works. They position their nasty structures near the water so they can use it to their advantage and the hell with the rest of us.
Thanks again for commenting.

Thanks! They are such a treasure, I can't help but beating this tired horse.

Oh! How I wish to sail on the lake. Yes, time is definitely running out. You better get out there! Thanks for commenting.

That's scary. If those are showing up you have to wonder what else that you don't see is coming in from that facility. Thanks for stopping by.

Thanks! I thought it was soooo cool. It's very useful to have reminders up to help educate. I was so happy to see the beach pristine except for these little pebble messages and a castle.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I saw Lake Michigan for the first time last summer when we visited Detroit for a wedding. It really feels like you're looking at the ocean.

Talli Roland said...

Oh, how beautiful, and what a lovely sentiment! I grew up around a lot of beaches, and I have great respect for them.

Charlie Rice said...

Hello from New York!!!

I have one of those thingies and I am amazed to have many more parts of the world represented than I have followers.

My new dream is to retire to someplace with a view of mountains and maybe a lake to gaze out upon. Nothing fancy, just peaceful.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hi! Yes, the Great Lakes have the reach of an ocean. And isn't it cool how it seems like you can see the curvature of the earth in that photo? Thanks for commenting.

Thank you so much. I feel the same.

Hi Charlie!
Welcome! Actually, I think I got the idea from your blog. That's a wonderful idea for retirement.... with a writing room, of course.

Jayne said...

Such pretty photos, Yvonne. I'm always amazed by how the great lakes resemble the ocean. It's odd taking a dip in them and not tasting the salt.

I hope you are enjoying this long summer weekend. :)

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thanks so much. I love looking at pictures when I can't look at the real thing. I set the one of the water with the curvature of the earth as my background on the desktop. I love it!

Anonymous said...

You always delight me. I love walking beaches and wading in rivers. Nothing is more beautiful or peaceful than water.

Thanks so much for sharing a little piece of your world!

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hi Cat!
Thank you so much. I wish I could awake every morning to this view out my window. But I'm grateful it's but a short drive away. I'm grateful it's there for all of us.

Sarah Wedgbrow said...

I entirely agree. It's interesting what you say about people trying to "own" something like a lake...even land, it's just preposterous!
When I lived in England, I remember a huge ruckus over a Hollywood star trying to get public access to her property grounds rescinded. There's this rule that pathways--even those that cross through farmland--are open to the public. It's a great law that has allowed me to explore parts of the countryside I might not have had access to.
Can't remember if she got her way.
The lakes are a treasure. Would love to be in Traverse City right now!

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hi Sarah,
Yeah, here in the States we have a Capitalist view of ownership, that's for sure. I hope that Hollywood Harlot....oops, I mean "star" did not get her way. Thanks for commenting!