"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Thursday, September 2, 2021

God Loves Texas


They want to write Thomas Jefferson out of history.

Delete him like a dark chapter

from the annals of American History.

He who coined separation of church and state

is a sword in the side of righteous

who bleed, but not of wine.


The Dark Ages weren’t as dark

as the house their Board of Education wants to build.

With the buying power to control content,

America’s children will read what

they want them to read.


They soften the image of McCarthy—

His motives were pure.

Switch Jefferson for McCarthy.

There’s only so much room.

Motives justify methods

because God loves Texas.


To defame a person,

first misspell his last name.

Sow seeds of doubt.

Rearrange his words and cast credit elsewhere.

Remove Monticello from travel guides

and besmirch the gardens—

the vegetables he grew,

amazed at the temperate zone of a new world.


While at it,

rearrange the heads of the founding fathers,

Was that really John Hancock’s John Hancock?

Like the 12 apostles at the dinner table,

Mary Magdalene in the shadows.

            Rub her out

Misquote Paine to justify your actions.

Who will bother to verify?


While at it,

rid yourselves of those onerous voting laws

and put the pesky women in their place.

Texas needs more babies brought up right—

            In the spirit of the Lord, white seraphims on high.

Purge history of he who dared to separate

the church from the state.

As if one could take guns from the righteous

guards from the gate

inmates from their prison.

God out of Texas.




 Connected to the Open Link Night at the Poets Pub where the opportunity resides to wax poetic and drink ourselves into the bliss of poetry. 



Anthony Duce said...

Enjoyed. I wonder if they realize how much they resemble the Taliban.

Yvonne Osborne said...

My thoughts, Tony, exactly. Next a dress code for women.

Liza said...

Powerful. Whew! You said it all. Well done Yvonne. Wish you would send this out. Maybe you have. FYI, if you don't know, Rattle Poetry has something called "Poet's Respond"—a poem written within the last week about a public event that occurred within the last week that appears every Sunday. Here's a link if you are interested. https://www.rattle.com/respond/

This poem is so strong.

Grace said...

As strong voice....I applaud you to saying it LOUD and CLEAR.

Brendan said...

Everything is big in Texas. Especially right wing sphincterers like Abbott & Co.

Dwight L. Roth said...

Seems everyone is demanding that their "truth and history" be heard! Very hard to discern what is truth any more these days!

ms_lili said...

I admire your voice. Thank you for speaking out.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thank you so much. I just might give it a try!

Thank you!!

Ha, you've got that right. Thanks!

And when the truth is effectively muddled and squashed, democracy fades. Thank you for commenting.

Thank you so much.

Ingrid said...

This really packs a punch. I am quite uncomfortable with the erasing and re-writing of history. Not that there's ever one definitive version, but there are worrying trends afoot both sides of the Atlantic.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thanks for commenting. History is so important. If it isn't truthful, then what is it? What do we call it?

Sunra Rainz said...

Very well-put, Yvonne! I daresay that no one can put those pesky women in their place! They will always rise...<3

Sunra Rainz

brudberg said...

Living in a country that has separated the church from the state I can only agree.
I sometimes wonder if there is really that much of a difference between that and taliban rule...

Yvonne Osborne said...

I hope that's true. Thanks.

I thought we lived in a country like that too...