"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What The Tree Remembers


Stumps  cut down in their youth

line the ditch. Roots full of life


with a reach wider

than their whacked-off crowns


cut off at the knees

        (can you feel it?)

now have nothing to feed.


The parked bulldozer

        (can you smell it?)

with its claws in the dirt


is poised to make smooth

the way of man.


But wait.

        (look closely)

Saplings spring stubbornly


from stumps left alone.

The tree remembers.

Written for What's Going On Blog which challenges us this week to see both the dark and light in a world abounding with both and find a balance. Showing, somehow, the beauty and hope in a world that often feels dismal and divisive; with highlights to poems by Mary Oliver and Deena Metzger who do this all the time in their amazing poetry.