"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Friday, September 27, 2024

Feeling Small in a Multitude of Ways

If the sky were any bigger it would kill me clean.
like an iceberg into the melting sea.
The sun colors the sky best before it breaks dawn
each wisp of cloud a red kite on a string.
It enhances the tree clinging to its last wind-torn leaf
like a mother to her child through the fence of the king.
It’s bigger than a barn from afar, that tree
and I don’t know its name or how old it is,
limbs full of empty nests unraveling in the wind.
Too lazy to have walked through a field of grass
to stand under a tree, the vast sweep of its arms,
and pay homage to that which is braver than me.
Too cowed to lobe arrows at the wall of the king, 
my capacity to feel small is undiminished  by lies.
The sun travels its arc across a blood-splattered sky
and I finish the day in a multitude of small ways.

In participation with OLN (open link night) at dVerse, the pub where poets hang out and there's always something good to drink and poems to chew on. A good way to finish out the week, methinks!!. 


Sunra Rainz said...

A beautiful poem full o profound observations. I especially loved these two couplets:

"to stand under a tree, the vast sweep of its arms,
and pay homage to that which is braver than me."

"The sun travels its arc across a blood-splattered sky
and I finish the day in a multitude of small ways."

brudberg said...

There are so many way to be humbled by what is around us... I am always surprised with people who think they can rise above, I think the greatest people are those who see how small they are.

Merril D. Smith said...

"If the sky were any bigger it would kill me clean.
like an iceberg into the melting sea.

The sun colors the sky best before it breaks dawn
each wisp of cloud a red kite on a string."

Stunning words--it's like you were with me on some of my morning walks. 💙

grapeling said...

well done, from the killer opening line through to the quiet close ~

Sanaa Rizvi said...

This is incredibly raw and poignant! ❤️

JadeLi said...

Melanchic feel to this. Favorite lines are:
"limbs full of empty nests unraveling in the wind." and your last line.

Anthony Duce said...

Love the visuals created by the choice of words.