"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Greatest of Lakes If We Can Keep It


Sand gives way under my feet

as I bend to the effort

of climbing a dune

on the sweetwater sea.


Beyond waving fronds of seagrass

water to the horizon heaves and hurls

plumes of foam that pound the shore.

It polishes stone

and whittles driftwood

burnished and smooth as a baby’s sole.


With sand in my shoes

hardpack underfoot

I fill my pockets.

Clouds scurry happily overhead

as gulls ride the waves

like surfers in wet suits.


Where water meets sky

the stars and the moon live in the depths

while on a rush of wing

eagle eats gull and feathers fly—

            ferocious predator

            rules the sky

while fox of the bayou

trots over the sedge

to circle his den of many rooms—

            intrepid hunter

rules the beachhead

as Superior turns herself

inside out to bring in treasures

whittled to size by the push and pull

of the big shining sea.

For dVerse, the Poet's Pub, and their Open Link Night, Poets and Storytellers, what does "low battery" mean to you, and how do you recharge?  and What's Going On the writer's blog that asks us to think about the personal nature of homemade gifts, and while they're the best, I think gifts washed up on the shore of Lake Superior might be their equal 



Helen said...

I dove headfirst into your poem .... so good I didn't want to come up for air!!! Great write, Yvonne.

Marja said...

Beautiful My way to recharge and take in all these elements of nature

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Such a lovely read! I now feel acquainted with a place I didn't know before, and just reading it helps to recharge my spirits.