"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


What the UPS guy brought me yesterday!

Now that I have my advance copies,  I'm counting down the days to the release of my novel on April 2nd. I'm extremely nervous about how the public will receive it. I practically have the darn thing memorized, but what you think is what matters.

"Let Evening Come is penned by author Yvonne Osborne in the literary style and the interpersonal drama and coming-of-age subgenres. Author Yvonne Osborne has crafted a truly emotionally resonant novel that delves into themes of loss, displacement, and cultural conflict. The up-close and detailed portrayal of Sadie and Stefan's budding romance against the backdrop of their respective struggles was both captivating and poignant. 

I loved the way their unique dialogue was presented and readers will feel the dynamics between the lines. The exploration of cultural misunderstanding and the challenges faced by Indigenous communities was an incredibly poignant touch that is really focused on and never used as a gimmick, fostering genuine empathy and understanding. As the characters navigated adversity and sought connection across borders, I found myself deeply invested in their journey, rooting for their love to transcend the obstacles in their path. Overall, Let Evening Come is a recommended read and a compelling tale of love, resilience, and the human capacity to overcome adversity amidst cultural divides."  

--Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

I understand it can be intimidating to leave a review. Even if you enjoy a book, it puts you on the spot. But honestly, it doesn't have to be long. It can be one sentence, or even one word!  They mean so much, especially for a new, unknown author.  Editorial reviews might carry more weight but reviews from readers are more personal and meaningful to the author.

This Daylight Savings Times gives us late morning darkness but my inner clock tells me it's time for a cup of coffee! 


Helen said...

Greetings from Bend ~ and Helen! I am looking forward to reading your novel, promise you a review.

Kathy Labrum McVittie said...

Hurrah and hooray and sadhu!

Beautiful pic of you opening the box!

Congratulations and blessings on your project to birth this book!

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thanks so much. That would be awesome:)

Thank you!! That's so sweet and I love the message.
My hair was a riot but I didn't care.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Kathy and Helen, I'll be sending out a special newsletter on the 15th!!!

Kathy Labrum McVittie said...


Mary said...

Good luck with your book, Yvonne!

Vanessa Victoria Kilmer said...

This is so exciting. I look forward to reading it.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thank you Mary, so much!

Thanks. I hope you'll like it. :)

Jo said...

congratulations!!!!!!!! so exciting!

Anonymous said...
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Yvonne Osborne said...

Jo Thanks so much. I appreciate it.