"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Friday, November 30, 2018

For Father

The homeless man
stands on the exit ramp
with his sign for help.
We roll down the window
with a five dollar bill,
as dad would have done.

Rosy-cheeked in winter plaid
gave to us all that he had
Now snow blankets his shroud of boughs.

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This is linked with Imaginary Garden with Real Toads mono-no-aware , the challenge to write about change or loss, not full blown depression but a subtle, wistful sadness in the Haibun format (which includes a Haiku at the end) 


tonispencer said...

Wonderful! My papa was the same way. The love in this is so palpable. Thank you for posting to my prompt.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Passing on hope and kindness "as he would have done." How lovely. And a fiver! Enough for a warm drink and something to eat. So heartwarming.

Jim said...

I like your beggar man, Yvonne. He seems like a nice person who but for his misfortune would be giving the rest money if they had need. I am thinking he gave his ALL for his country and now they have forgotten him.

rallentanda said...

A kind decent Dad.He will always be with you and loved.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hi. Thanks and you're welcome!

Yes, a fiver, and without question or throwing a guilt trip out the window. Thank you!

Sadly, that is often the case. Thank you.

Thank you.

brudberg said...

This is a wonderful legacy of giving... could be a lot worse.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Well, yeah, there is that. Thanks for stopping by on this wintry night!

Anthony Duce said...

So much in the present reminds of the past..

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hi Tony,
Yes, every day in every way. Thanks.