We walk
to mass along sidewalks
with mist from the ocean bay.
shapes huddle in doorways
where the sun won’t ever shine
to shiver
the whole night through
under newspaper
We hasten
into church to kneel and pray
with Asian,
Latin, and Creole speakers
as incense
wafts over the pews and candles twinkle
the flickering of the holy spirit
on the fortunate.
the transubstantiation of altar bread and wine
a rush from the back for the body and blood.
at the lack of decorum
(do they fear the chalice will spring a leak?)
we ease
our way into the jostling line of supplicants
automobiles jockeying for an off ramp.
With a finger
dipped in the font at the door
we exit
into the misty morn of a cash-strapped city.
await us on the steps with their outstretched cups.
Father always
dropped a five in the tin can of the gaunt man
who sat wrapped in wool at the
top of the exit ramp
on trips into a different city.
We walk
back to the hotel
darkened storefronts and empty streets.
Silent except
for the rustle of newspapers.
Written for dVerse in memory of Kurt Cobain, the legendary alternative rock musician whose birthday was this past Tuesday. Nirvana's lyrics were known for metaphor and emotional depth. Challenged to use lines from one of the songs posted in the prompt, I chose a couple that would fit this poem. Check out Melissa's post at dVerse for more on the enigmatic Cobain, photos and lyrics. And the poets at What's Going On who've asked us to write about "Color" so taking liberty, as this is more about the absence of color. There are other more beautiful poems about color passing through so head over.