"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

In the Library of My Mind

A poem written to the prompt at  Shay's Word Garden using three words she culled from The Book of the Dead, classic tales of the supernatural. 👻 

A natural for the month of October!
In the spirit of compliance I went two better. 😀

In the library of my mind
I speak Latin.
I’m kind, lucid, and brave.
I remember the poor
drop a coin on the plate
and one in the cup
of the man wrapped in wool
braced against the cold
at the end of the road.

I decided to add a little bonus content using one more word. (Can you find it?)
Someone poured a stein for the man in the box,
the no more man who was a father who was dead
and set it on the mantle like a plate for the missing
on the Day of the Dead.


Fireblossom said...

A stein for the old guy. (box is the extra)

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hi! Right you are. Thanks!!

Jae Rose said...

You have created a wonderfully ominous atmosphere in this poem - wonderfully written - Jae

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Wonderful! I love it.