"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Saturday, February 22, 2020

A Writer's Life

I rouse the cat from his house
with a thump on the roof
He stretches his double-thumbed feet
and emerges from his bed.
I fill his dish with Rachel Ray's
premium blend and he follows me
out to the chicken coop.
The water is frozen.
Inside the chickens are warm
and the trough is dry and empty.
They titter totter down the ramp to the outdoors
with straw stuck to their feet
(those feet that make a healing broth)
and I scatter feed and fill the water as the cat watches.
You take care of your animals before you take care of yourself
childhood admonishments stick in my head
as things from childhood do.
Part and parcel of this adult package
I would be less without.
Once orphaned we all take our seats
at the adult table. So I fill my coffee cup
sit at an empty table with a blank page
and think about what I will write today.

This little walk through morning chores is linked to Earthweal's open link weekend. Sunday, remember, is a day of rest, even for farmers, writers and environmental activists!


Sherry Blue Sky said...

I loved walking through those chores with you......I was taught the same thing: animals first. I really resonate with the part and parcel of adulthood "I would be less without."

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hi Sherry,
Thank you so much. I remember my dad preaching that like it was yesterday. Have trouble getting it through my hubby's head though!

Susie Clevenger said...

Oh yes, animals first. I have two cats inside and two cats outside. All four eat before I have even a sip of coffee. They fill the empty spaces that would swallow me if I didn't have them.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hi Susie,
Thank you for commenting. It's interesting how many of learned the same thing. Animals first!! They give so much back.

Brendan said...

A fine inside peek at the everyday routine of the "orphaned" life of the adult--animals first, coffee next, then the empty chair and blank page which one fills to be more than what they would be if they didn't. Much the same for me (like Susie, two and two outdoor cats). Rituals like yours are also orienting, the way the mind prepares to dig and sift and seed. Well done, and thanks for bringing it to earthweal -- Brendan

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Absolutely we must put our animals first. Not fair to take them on otherwise. What comes through in this poem is how rewarding and pleassurable it is to do so.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thanks. I think we need some ritual in our lives, especially when events outside our control seem so chaotic. Thanks also for giving us a place to write, contemplate and share.

Thank you! You're right, these little routines bring pleasure and meaning into our lives. Especially this double-thumbed cat that adopted us over two years ago!

hedgewitch said...

Having been a chicken-minder myself at various times, I fell right into the mood of this poem--of course the animals come first, but it's not in any kind of sacrificial way, as you make clear in the richness of the poem--and ritual is indeed an important facet of keeping us whole, especially our own personally devised ones. I loved this affirmation of life, Yvonne.

Anthony Duce said...

So good. Sitting here procrastinating. Another day, mine in images. feeling sort of the same. Especially the once orphaned part…

Yvonne Osborne said...

Seems many of us have some chicken tending in our backgrounds! And you're right, the work is in no way sacrificial. Thank you.

Those orphanced feelings seem to grow rather than fade. Thanks