"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Feeling Small in a Multitude of Ways

If the sky were any bigger it would kill me clean.
like an iceberg into the melting sea.

The sun colors the sky best before it breaks dawn—
each wisp of cloud a red kite on a string.

It enhances the tree clinging to life, to its last wind-torn leaf
like a child to her mother through the fence of the king.

It’s bigger than a barn from afar, that tree
limbs full of birds’ nests unraveling in a breeze

and I don’t know how it escaped the clear-cut of the king.
Too lazy to have walked through a field of grass

to stand under a tree, the vast sweep of its shade
and pay homage to that which is braver than me.

Too cowed to lobe arrows at the wall of the king, 
my capacity to feel small is undiminished  by lies

as the sun travels its arc across a blood-splattered sky
and I finish out the day in a multitude of small ways.

Humbly offered for Poets and Storytellers and likewise for Earthweal, the weekend open links for writerly laments.


Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love the colours just before dawn, especially at the beach. The image of the blood-splattered sky is a powerful one. I like the word "laments" in your notes. Smiles. I love us sharing our laments! It feels less lonely.

Brendan said...

This has such humility and grace -- not a child, but someone truly small in the order of things sizing things up. Small and powerless against a king (as trees are powerless to defend themselves) but smart and true. Love the wispy rhyme and startling procession of images. Very well done. -- Brendan

tonispencer said...

Laments...blood spattered sky...very powerful words.

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

May those small ways carry some comfort. Sometimes they are our only refuge in the face of the huge and daunting things.

Rommy said...

It's hard not to feel small, especially when there are tyrant kings who are invested in making sure others feel that way.

Dr. Vandana Sharma said...

A day comes to an end and a new day will soon begin.....

Wendy Bourke said...

A compelling piece. THIS IS POETRY!

Thotpurge said...

each wisp of cloud a red kite on a string.
- love that image!

Sumana Roy said...

The title beautifully introduces the theme. Humility is so graceful, specially when it's contrasted against the king. The red kite image is spectacular!

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thanks for conmmenting. It feels like that doesn't it?

Thanks, and thanks for referencing the "king", my attempt at metaphor for a leader I can't name.

Thanks for commenting on my "lament"!

Searching my drawer for some more small things.

Exactly. Thank you.

I sure hope so.

Thank you! So kind.

It seems a favorite and I almost deleted it.

Thanks for saying that. I thought it might be a little over-the-top.

Anthony Duce said...

Beautifully expressed. Enjoyed..

brudberg said...

I so love the title and its meaning... it's always those small ways that make life better despite a bloodred sky

indybev said...

Oh the clear cut of the king can be interpreted in so many ways … and we so small. A procession of stunning metaphors here.

H. Hennenburg said...

Wonderfully written. May we all retain the ability to feel small in this way.

colleen said...

This made me smile. I especially loved the first couple two stanzas.

Jim said...

A wonderful lament. Yvonne. A king whose only interest is his own, a large part expanding his image. He is supposed to be king for all the people but he has shut out all who have differing views. Not much one can do about that, best keep his/her own personal tasks in order. (My take on your message for me thank you.)

Joel (@Stranded Tree) said...

It is easy to feel small in the shade of a mighty tree and in the end the truth will set all free.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hey Joel, nice to meet your acquaintance. And to all a big thank you. Seems my subtle meaning behind a "king" wasn't all that subtle.