The fires took four houses down last night,
They’re miles away, we’re safe, you set me right
The darkling sky looks like a storm to me.
But still I watch the sky above our game.
You made a triple word score with a Z
and remind me where we are; it’ll never rain.
People have to have some place to stay—
desert rats without the sense to flee
and water is cheap pumped in from far away
to here where fires feed on the dead and leap the pass.
No looming thunderstorm those kites of black.
You remind me where we are; it’ll never rain.
The fires took four more houses down last night.
The one-eyed bird sings
plaintive song from blackened stumps
on the clear-cut plain.
Today it's Haibun Monday at dVerse with a seasonal topic of fear. And over at Earthweal, a challenge approaching Samhein, clebrating that Day of the Dead. Let's!