A hank of chardonnay-colored hair
Fell between the Prosecco and Aperol
As he peered at a label with a falconer’s
Eye and I tripped over the Budweiser
Horses into his arms.
If wine is poetry,
Old friends are run-on sentences.
Let them come and take us away.
Playing with words for Shay's Word Garden. Her word list this week is taken from A Coney Island of the Mind by the late beat poet, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, a favorite of mine, and also the owner of the famous City Lights Book Store. Visit her post this week to read his Junkman’s Obligato.
And for the last dVerse of the year, a Meeting at the Bar, Zen Poetry. This was my Zen moment in the store before we went to the bar! Happy Hoppy Holidays!!!