"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Friday, January 5, 2024

BEGINNINGS Newsletter Signups (what's in it for me?)

Everything must have a beginning … and that beginning must be linked to something that went before. – Mary Shelley.

This Friday's prompt from Poets and Storytellers is to let the idea of Beginnings inspire us in our responses. For me, 2024 marks the beginning of being a published novelist, the birthday year for LET EVENING COME 

This beginning is linked, as Shelly says it must, to all the years of reading that went before. From Island of the Blue Dolphins and Ramona to the latest novels on my nightstand, which somehow, somewhere along the line, gave me the impetus and courage to write a novel of my own. 

Now it's time to say, I’m proud of this thing! This is hard because, like most writers, I’m humbled by the process of putting my writing out there. Humbled that people would want to put down hard-earned money to read it. There are no words to express the gratitude I feel.

I started a newsletter to share the process, the bump and grind of a publishing journey in hopes readers would find it interesting and to help get the word out. I know it takes an extra step to signup for a newsletter, and there is so much noise out there, advertisers, bloggers, "influencers" (I hate that term). I get it. I've been there.  So it takes a leap of faith for which I may or may not be worthy of, to sign up for my newsletter. But I promise to focus on succinct, interesting content. I will not flood your inbox with drivel. Most importantly, there will be two drawings from the first fifty subscribers for a signed, first edition book, and, honestly, (alert: arm twisting) there are exactly 8 spots left.  

The sign up form for my mailing list is here . Thank you for your trust and support. 

Finally, I'd like to plug an author's two best friends. The library (this is me recently at the one in Rochester) and independent bookstores. Both form mutually beneficial relationships with authors, readers, and their communities

To new beginnings in 2024!  



Magaly Guerrero said...

How exciting, Yvonne! I've signed up for your mailing list and wish you the very best. May the upcoming April showers bring many, many, many sales.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thank you so much Magaly! (hugs)

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Good on you, Yvonne! I shall indeed sign up for your newsletter – not least because, as a newly self-published author myself, I need to find out about these tools and how they operate. Thank you for giving me the nudge. I fully expect to enjoy it for its own sake too – and the book.

Rajani said...

I think a newsletter is a great idea to get the word out. For independent writers to reach potential readers is a huge problem and one must use social media and email as much as possible. Good luck with your "beginning".

Yvonne Osborne said...

Rosemary, Thank you!! I will pass along as many helpful hints as I can. I've learned so much in the past six months. I commend you and anyone who self publishes I could never do that.

Thank you so much. I'm trying to acquaint myself with more social media options.

Lisa said...

How wonderful! The synopsis is quite interesting.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thanks! I'm so happy you think so.

Jim said...

Beautiful rundown on where you are with all us.
Newsletter in the Beginning, I will sign up.
Thank you, Yvone.

Marja said...

How fantastic Congratulations with this wonderful beginning. I signed up of course

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thanks Marja! That's great. I plan to send out some "news" within the week. Happy New Year!

dsnake1 said...

Congratulations on the publication of your novel. From conception to publication can be a long process and one needs the focus and stamina to carry it through.

I must say, the synopsis is quite interesting. There must have been quite a lot of research done on the background. :)

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hi Dsnake,
Yes, extensively so. I won't go into it here but I do make reference in my current newsletter, should you be interested. :)
Thank you so much for commenting!

Helen said...

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy 2024!!! Cannot wait for my book to arrive.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Same to you Helen! I'm so appreciative for your support.