"Two wrongs may not make a right but a thousand wrongs make a writer.”

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Walk In The Dark

 In the quiet splendor of a predawn morn
the moon gilds the hoophouse in shiny opulence.

Lace riven configurations circle the sky

with the moon at their apex high above the earth

circling quiet, like a giant snow globe—

how could one ever think this world flat?

And I, an inconsequential ant of a being

Invades the quiet on a shuffle across the frozen grass

in my husband’s boots and a hand-me-down coat

and my daddy’s hat with the flashlight of my mother’s trepidation

in my pocket just in case.

But if you walk in the dark you see the dark,

the dark a friend if you see it thus,

but chickens need light as much as scratch and

I flick the switch in the pumphouse to juice one newly

installed that said husband thinks will fool them

into thinking we've reached beyond the darkest day

but they only blink and murmur and stir on their roost. 

An owl hootsfrom a branch with blood on his mind 

and I stop to gaze upwards in dizzying amaze

at the splendor of this quiet morn there for all to see if we but look up.

Happy Thanksgiving. May it be a peaceful one.   

Reminded to be thankful (and praising) by Brendan at Earthweal, 

with his shared story of the Austrian poet Rilke...

And if the earthly no longer knows your name

whisper to the silent earth: I'm flowing. To the flashing water say: I am.


Anthony Duce said...

Wonderful imagery. Like watching in a movie, maybe a ghost behind you?
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving too.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thanks Anthony. A ghost? Very possibly could have been. I was too busy looking up when I should have been looking behind!

Sherry Blue Sky said...

How serene and lovely. I walked with you through the early dawn, could SEE the chickens, sleepy-eyed on their roost. I enjoyed every line of this, and felt your contentment. I remember feeling like that, walking my dogs in the early morning darkness outside my little trailer - loving the little home I made, its peacefulness.

Kerfe said...

Your words are full of peace. May they be realized by all.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hi Sherry,
Thank you. Predawn hours are the most peaceful. It's just hard to don all the garb and venture out this time of year. Then when I do it, I'm always thankful.

Thank you very much.

Thotpurge said...

But if you walk in the dark you see the dark... that's a lovely line! Love that time of the day...just before dawn breaks.

Brendan said...

When one is fully here, how can you not praise? There's a lush prescience to this which is magical. Thanks.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Thotpurge, thank you so much. Happy Thanksgiving.

Thank you. And thank you again for the Rilke memory.

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

What a lovely poem! It fills the soul with a sense of peace.

Ingrid said...

Predawn is my favourite time of day, and you have really captured the magic!

Myrna R. said...

Such a lovely scene you paint with words. I love serenity your evokes.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hey Ornery Owl,
(love that moniker) thank you very much!

Mine too. thank you.

Thank you so much!